Cat's Way is a comic about a young woman with secrets on a journey through the feline afterlife. She lets a flirtatious man out of a trunk and he won't go back in. I work on new pages when I have time and as such they are full of mistakes and inconsistencies that I'll get to fix...eventually. If you like what you see consider supporting it on my Patreon.
This has SUCH a beautiful interpretation of dark lighting, with absolutely gorgeous shades of blues. Also I adore Herman’s expression in the first panel.
Cause she smoll
Also, he has a phone?? Or did he take hers?
This has SUCH a beautiful interpretation of dark lighting, with absolutely gorgeous shades of blues. Also I adore Herman’s expression in the first panel.
Just LOVE that first panel; the lighting and the pose are so on point!
Twist: she’s actually a cat. Get thru any hole you can fit your head thru.
Welllll~ there may be a reason shes in cat afterlife.